IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Dietary Assessment of Kashmiri Urban and Rural Women during Summer

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Sumaya, Naheed Vaida , Nilofer Khan


Introduction: People lead a variety of varied lifestyles, and this complexity may be seen in the way they consume and maintain their dietary routines. The nutritional intake of people varies greatly depending on their socioeconomic and demographic circumstances within the home, and occasionally even for the same people within the same household at various times. Unhealthy diets (inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables) and physical inactivity have been listed as the two main risks of NCDs. The importance of nutrition and exercise in preserving health and preventing disease is so widely acknowledged. In addition to the combined burden of posttransition, lifestyle-related degenerative diseases including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and malignancies, India, as a developing nation, also struggles with the pre-transitional ailments of undernutrition and infectious diseases. Even among low-income and fast urbanising communities, it has recently been noted that there is a shift in dietary habits toward a modern diet (rich in saturated fat, sugar, and refined foods, and low in fibre). A few of the significant concerns that make the food intake study more complex and challenging to comprehend are changing lifestyles, expanding income and resource disparities, and the widening wealth and poverty gap. This statement is unquestionably true, particularly in a setting like India where there are significant health, socioeconomic, and demographic disparities both within and between areas. Women of adult age i.e. 20-65 years are considered vulnerable or special risk group for nutritional health problems. For women's quality of life, survival, and the proper development of their children, their nutritional and health status is crucial. The objective of this research is to study the dietary assessment of Kashmiri Urban and Rural Women. The aim of this study is to find out the dietary assessment among women in Kashmir (Rural and Urban population) with regard to summer season.

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