IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Developing Smart Agriculture using Blockchain for the Prosperity of Farmers in India

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Dr. Shailendra Pratap Singh,Dr. Anurag Singh


Farmers in parts of country are under tremendous strain due to various reasons like failure of monsoons, heavy debts, poor demand for their produce in market, substandard life styles in villages, heavy competition from fellow farmers from other countries, genetically modified crops, and neglect of successive governments for their welfare. The farming activity is considered as gambling activity as it depends upon various factors like timely arrival of monsoons, generation of investments, livestock availability etc. this leads to the distress in the growth of farming. „Blockchain‟ has emerged to become a potentially transformative force in multiple aspects of government and private sector operations. Its potential has been recognized globally, with a variety of international organizations and technology companies highlighting the benefits of its application in reducing costs of operation and compliance, as well as in improving efficiencies.

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