IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Developing an Advanced Crime Prediction Model and Evaluating Criminometric Indicators for Assessing Structural Changes in Law Enforcement Agencies

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Dr. Bandi Ramanjineyulu


Crime fore-castes are necessary to law enforcement agencies to make policy decisions. The various resources of law enforcement agencies can be allotted to different purposes more efficiently if the availability of these resources can be matched with the demand for their use. Given the increasing public interest in crime control, crime forecasts are necessary, to evaluate crime deterrence programs because, measurement of crime reduction requires a knowledge of the crime level that world prevail in the absence of the new program. Many of the criminologists developed the various structural models in the literature to predict and explain crime as a statistical function of a number of socio, economic and demographic variables such as unemployment, income of household, age, probability of conviction, etc. Since structural models are theoretically based models, there is a need of developing criminometric models for empirical studies.

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