IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Determination of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Curcuma longa

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Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) has been utilized as a useful food material, however different pieces of it, for example, leaves are squandered as a result. This work focused on creating turmeric leaves as a utilitarian food material by laying out its ideal extraction condition. Reaction surface technique was applied to enhance turmeric leaf extraction conditions. Turmeric leaves were pulled out with water and ethanol (10, 30, and half). Then, complete phenolic compound substance, all out flavonoid content, and extremist searching action of each concentrate were measured to affirm the ideal extricating dissolvable. As indicated by the outcomes, water was the most effective dissolvable to separate cell reinforcement items, for example, all out phenolic compounds |(3.651 ± 0.0201 mg GAE/g)| and flavonoids |(4.995 ± 0.107 mg QCE/g)| content. Revolutionary searching action was additionally higher in water separate contrasted and others like DPPH (51.110 ± 2.292%), H2O2 (25.391 ± 2.691%), and ABTS (91.082 ± 0.151%). Focal composite plan was applied to affirm the impact of autonomous factors like temperature (X1) and time (X2) to the yield (Y1). The ethanolic concentrate of Chittagong's Mura contained the most noteworthy centralizations of polyphenols (16.071%), flavonoids (9.66%), and ascorbic corrosive (0.091 mg/100 g) and chora brought about exceptional returns (17.392%). The ethanolic concentrate of Khulna's Mura showed a higher DPPH extremist rummaging action with the most minimal half inhibitory focus (IC50) (1.083 μg/mL), while Khulna's chora had the most elevated FRAP esteem (μM Fe per 100 g). Generally speaking, the ethanolic extricate had higher cancer prevention agent properties than those in the watery concentrate. In any case, the tannin focus was lower in the ethanolic extricate. We reason that the turmeric assortments researched in this study are valuable wellsprings of normal cancer prevention agents, which give huge assurance against free extreme harm.

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