IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Depression Associated with Anabolic Steroid Abuse (AAS) in People Visiting Gyms and Health Clubs

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Debalina Biswas, Tabish Brar, Amit Beniwal, Aman Singh Jamwal, Brijesh Saran, Amoolya K Seth


Background: Anabolic steroids are used mostly by bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness buffs, who say the steroids provide them with a competitive edge and/or enhance the physical performance bodybuilders have. Believing anabolic steroids improve competitiveness and performance, uninformed or deluded athletes, sometimes encouraged by coaches or parents, misuse the drugs in order to gain lean body mass, increase aggression, and gain weight. Objectives: To know the nature and extent of depression associated with anabolic steroid abuse in people visiting gyms and health clubs. Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study consisting of 114 participants who are the gym going population of local gymnasiums in Delhi NCR. Tools: Following psychiatric rating scales will be used for collection of data: Semi-Structured Proforma For Socio-Demographic Data, the Zung Self Rating Depression Scale. Results: It was observed that there was a significant difference in between the younger and older age groups more participants belonging to age group >30 years were found to have moderate to severe dependence. Also, significantly more participants who were AAS dependent also suffered more from depressive disorders as compared to non-user/ non – dependent users. Conclusion: It was observed that those who were AAS dependent suffered more from depressive disorders as compared to non-user/ non – dependent users.

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