IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Deliverance of Women from Patriarchy in Aminatta Forna’s Ancestor Stones and The Memory of Love

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Monisha K, Dr. S. Sreelatha


Women in society overcome many hurdles and opposition. In Aminatta Forna’s Ancestor Stones (2006), a polygamous family structure, a patriarchal system which is pursued in African society is clearly pictured.The Memory of Love (2010) speaks about the brutal selfish behaviour of men towards women by using them as inanimate object. Women are disrespected and ill-treated in the patriarchal society. Both the works give a brief outline of the domestic problems of African women and how they are treated nothing but like an object or as a servant. Violence and subjugation are very common in patriarchal society and, in the following novels, Forna focuses on the emancipation of African women and how they manage to come out of the male superiority power by achieving their own self-respect. The paper clearly focuses on the gender imbalance in the society, which speaks about discrimination and the humiliation that have shaped women in society. The novel is rich with the beauty of the memories of female characters and moves forward towards the domestic sphere, which distinctly shows more about the polygynous patriarchal culture of Africa, and their day-today-life struggles. The study is based on the concept of a feminist perspective which is analysed with the idea of Simone de Beauvoir and deals with gender identity and representation in a male-dominant society.

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