IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Dehydration and Rehydration ratio for Varieties of Oyster Mushroom with Different Drying Methods

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Chinmay Anil Chorage , Shanker Suwan Singh, R.N.Shukla, Dorcus Masih,Ajay Singh


The point of this article is to present the consequence of research attended on the drying samples of Oyster Mushrooms. Three different varieties were chosen to conduct this study i.e. White, Grey and Pink Oyster Mushroom. The drying process was carried out with tray and vacuum drying process with three different temperatures (60ºC, 70ºC, and 80ºC) with three different pre-treatment’s (Normal, Vinegar and Lemon juice) to determine the rehydration ratio and dehydration ratio to conclude the best drying method for oyster mushroom varieties. In comparative study of two drying method, comparing the results it was observed that the drying characteristics was having good results in tray drying followed with vacuum drying.

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