IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Deep Learning Based Twitter Sentiment Analysis

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Dr.G.Sridevi, P.Swetha, P.Keerthana Naidu,M.Tarun4,P.Divya Sai


To summarize reviews of a product, an extensively used approach is Aspect-based text mining which is applied on tweets or review data. With the help of Twitter sentiment detectors (TSDs) we can obtaina finer answer to assess a product in terms of quality and service. Social media has become a necessarymeans of communication in our daily lives. If we consider Twitter, most of the tweets are usually unstructured, non-formal, and it lacks labeled data like ratings, emojis, different categories, images, hashtags, videos etc. which makes it laborious for product opinion mining.

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