IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Cuisine and Education: The Applied Gastronomic Sciences as a Tool in Food Literacy

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Carol Povigna1*, Matteo Bigi2*, Nahuel Buracco3*, Anna Marie Fisker4, Gabriella Morini 5


The use of cuisine in educational contexts is the field of research and action of the Pollenzo Food Lab (PFL) of the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy), one of the nine groups from five European countries members of the Learn4Earth Strategic Partnership. Four of them where schools of different grades, with pupils with a broad age range (5-16). Since food production and consumption practice have a relevant impact on climate, environment and health, Learn4Earth aim is to develop innovative methodologies, approaches and practical activities to provide teachers and young students with key skills on food literacy. Through the study of food it is possible to engage students through direct and emotional involvement and simultaneously achieve two objectives: to connect the different disciplines addressed in school by offering an interpretation key anchored to experience (therefore more accessible and understandable) and to support the development of greater awareness towards individual, collective and planetary health.

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