IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Crop Disease Identification Using Deep Learning Techniques

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Dr. M.V. Bramhe*1, Mahima Chakraborty*2, Pranay Date*3, RohanPathekar*4,AnushkaThakre*5andProf.MohitAgarwal*6


Cropdiseasesareahugedangertofoodsecurity,butduetoalackofinfrastructureinmanyregionsoftheworld,earlyidentificationisdifficult.Plantdiseaseisapersistentproblemforsmall farmers, posing a risk to their livelihood and food security. Image categorization inagriculture has been achieved by the recent revolution in smartphone penetration andcomputer vision models. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are state-of-the-art inimage recognition and can deliver a quick and accurate diagnosis. A Convolutional NeuralNetwork(CNN)is a Deep Learning method thatcan take an imageas input,assignimportance (learnable weights and biases) to distinct aspects/objects in the image, anddistinguish one from the other. The ultimate objective was to get real time dataset for inputimagesthatwerecollectedoforange,cottonandsweetlimethesearetheplantandtressthataremostlygrowninVidarbhaalsothetypesofdiseasesthatmostlyaffectstheirgrowthwithnam and their occurrence ,to get efficient output with a decision of category for eachindividual pixel and for segmentation of pixels, we have used semantic segmentation whichlabel each pixel of an image with a corresponding class of what is being represented. So, inthispaperweareclassifyingthepixelsanddetectingthediseasedpartfirst,andonthatbasispredictingthediseaseintheleaf.

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