IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consumers’ perception towards eco-friendly FMCG products- An Empirical Study

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Dr.T.Aswatha Narayana


The recent trend of environment awareness across the globe should not be underrated. Consumers are becoming more apprehensive about the Environment protection and as a consequence of it they are shifting their priorities from the conventional goods to eco- friendly goods. Corporate houses play an important role in the global economy and have the resources and capacity to put ecological solutions into practice; Corporates should have more accountability towards green sustainability. Hence manufacturing companies should aim at creating markets for more eco-friendly products and motivate the consumers to alter their consumption behavior to eco-friendly products. The environmental degradation has led to the adoption and the development of eco-friendly products by the companies. Consumers’ perception and preferences are also transforming towards eco-friendly products in order to protect the planet from pollution. Consumers across the globe today are shifting towards the purchase of eco- friendly products in order to support sustainable development and prevention of environment degradation. In this paper, primary focus is on the concept of Consumers perception towards eco-friendly products is being discussed.

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