IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consequences faced by the protagonist in Sudha Murthy’s Mahaswetha

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C.R. Aani Mol, Dr. F. Meena Theresa


Sudha Murthy is a social worker, philanthropist and author. She is the chairperson of Infosys Foundation. Mahaswetha is a Kannada novel which is translated into English. This novel is totally focused on the protagonist facing several problems in her life. It is an inspiring and sensitive story. The protagonist of the novel is belongs to a lower caste. Superstitious believes plays a major role in this novel. The novel Mahaswetha depicts how the people in the society were affected by their own major issues. The protagonist faced many consequences because of her status. The novel deals with Suppression, Marital relationship, Women Empowerment, Caste discrimination and superstitious beliefs. The people from the society think that women are weaker sex and they are not equal to men and women became the least sufferers

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