IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consequence of Amendment on the FRs of the Constitution of India- A Critical Study

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This research intends to perceive the Constitution based on the philosophies of independence, fairness, brotherhood, and integrity. For attaining purpose, we have assumed a short analysis of all the periodicals and accounts interconnected with the stipulations of the Constitution, visible huge admiration for individual self-esteem, promise to fairness and non-b biases and concern for the poorer division in civilization. Furthermore, the body makes it obligatory for the Government to defend and endorse liberties and assure each inhabitant a polite level of affluence. In a further sense, the Constitution assurances the elementary individual privileges to every inhabitant of India. “This paper is associated with the universal Statutory Laws of India and the modifications prepared into the Indian Constitution.”

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