IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Comparative study of various tools of On-Premises ERP and Cloud based ERP

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Pradeep Kumar Jatav, Nitin Nagar1, Anubhav Singh, Yashika Sharma


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most important systems that various organizations implement. An ERP system helps to shape and redefine businesses in the management of vital parts of its core business. Every organization requires certain tools and technologies to run their businesses. These tool and technologies play a vital a vital role in the growth of individual organization. ERP tools or software help companies plan, account, and run key business functions under one roof. Thus, ERP tools are essential for many companies to run smoothly. in this paper, described comparative study of various ERP tools. Thereason of this paper is to perform comparative study of various ERP software tools. It helps organizations choose the right type of ERP tool that an organization can implement to improve their performance and reach their goal.

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