IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Comparative Study of Application Areas, their Economic Impact of Machine Learning & Blockchain Technologies in Cloud Environment

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This study has provided invaluable insights into the multifaceted applications and significant economic implications of state-of-the-art technologies. A thorough analysis of various application domains has clearly established the substantial potential of machine learning and blockchain technologies in boosting operational efficiency, strengthening security measures, and encouraging innovation within cloud-based environments. The concrete economic impact, seen through cost reductions, revenue growth, and resource optimization, highlights their capacity to bring about transformative changes across a wide range of industries, particularly in the financial and healthcare sectors. This investigation emphasizes the crucial role of technology adoption in shaping the direction of cloud computing and the broader economic landscape. It facilitates well-informed decision-making and strategic planning in the digital era.During the pivotal year of 2022, characterized by remarkable innovation and substantial investments in Applied AI and Cloud Computing, there was a proliferation of cloud services catering to both individual users and businesses. This expansion unlocked immense potential and fostered competition based on expertise rather than mere scale. The emergence of Machine Learning Engineers, working alongside Research Scientists and Data Scientists, expedited the translation of AI research from theory to practical applications. However, Data Scientists continue to wield significant influence, particularly in the Medical/Pharmaceutical and Government/Public Services sectors.From a technical performance perspective, the rise of Vision Transformers has opened new horizons in Computer Vision, promising exciting technological advancements in the near future. Nonetheless, a comprehensive analysis reveals that the narrative of AI adoption in India is still in its early stages. While a few urban centers are making strides in crafting AI strategies, much of the country remains relatively inactive. Similarly, cloud computing, a cornerstone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is still in its initial phases of adoption across the continent.Despite the potential for AI to revolutionize numerous enterprises and industries, its progress in India is hindered by a pervasive lack of trust. The absence of a mature risk awareness framework and essential controls has impeded the practical application of AI. As a result, advancements in AI have barely moved beyond proof-of-concept and isolated solutions.

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