IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Classification of Psychosomatic Disorders Affecting Orofacial Region: A Review

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Dr. Dhaval Mehta Dr. Niral Thaker Dr. Shreya Patel Dr. Ankur Singh


Psychosomatic conditions are characterised by physiological alterations that have a mixed emotional and physiological cause. Dental professionals frequently encounter halitophobia, phantom bite syndrome, burning mouth syndrome, chronic pain, occlusal discomfort, and other oral symptoms. The mental or emotional cause of these symptoms is believed to exist. There are many patients who visit the dentist with complaints that are primarily psychological in nature and that affect the perioral and oral structures and have clear psychosomatic causes, but who regrettably go undiagnosed due to the constrained nature of their presenting symptoms. Patients with these psychosomatic diseases should be treated with consideration for psychological management. The therapeutic strategy also includes several types of medicine and psychotherapy.

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