IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Charatarization and estimation weighting probability distribution

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Rajesh M, Dr. M. Siva.


In this paper, we have introduced weighted Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and abbreviated as WMD. Different characteristic properties of the introduced distribution have been studied in detail. Although the estimators are not derived in a closed form but parameters are estimated through the fitting of WMD to a particular data set using the technique of MLE. In order to show the validity, potentiality and flexibility of WMD in statistical modelling, we have fitted it to four different types of data sets. After the fitting of WMD to the considered data sets, comparison has been made between the special cases of WMD in terms of having least values of BIC, AIC & AICC. Random numbers from WMD are generated by using the Inverse Cdf method. Simulation has been carried out with the help of programming language R.

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