IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Abhishek Sharma, Apoorva Sharma, Charushi Jain, Dev Deep Singh


The corporate sector has been rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing economic lockdown, and social distance rules. Most managers have had difficulty making sense of the confusion and complexity around them. In most industries, new technology has changed how business is conducted. The COVID-19 outbreak has necessitated substantial modifications in the way service firms operate, altering employees' daily activities and routines. At the same time, Industry 4.0's emergence brought up new technology that might make such operations easier and lessen the COVID-19's effects. Our research has significant theoretical and practical consequences in the technology and managerial sector, which helped to change patterns within MNCs as the COVID-19 outbreak unavoidably pushed new ways of working that may become a crucial element of the post-pandemic world. Sample of 324 employees working in IT and Managing departments of different MNCs were surveyed to know the changing trends in IT and Management and compare it from pre covid situation in MNCs. The study concludes that there is a significant difference between post and pre covid situations regarding changing trends in IT & management in MNCs

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