IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Food Processing Industries: A Review

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Teacher M.S. Swamynathan, the dad of India's green transformation, is to thank for changing our country from a place that is known for shortage to one of bounty. As an immediate consequence of the program, India is presently the world's second-biggest food maker, with the possibility to turn into the biggest as the food and horticultural areas develop. The moving utilization design in contemporary India has created some distance from grains and toward a more different and nutritious eating regimen of foods grown from the ground, milk, fish, meat, and poultry items because of the rising economy, overabundance food, and evolving way of life. The food handling area in India emerged because of this consistent turn of events. Foods grown from the ground, cocktails, fisheries, meat and poultry, dairy items, estate, grain handling, and other purchaser item gatherings, for example, baked goods, chocolates and cocoa items, Soya-based items, mineral water, high protein food varieties, and other customer item bunches are undeniably covered by India's food handling area

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