IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Siva M, Mubarakali S


In this article, two-distribution center stock model for non-instaneous weakening things with uniform interest has been created. We have considered the impacts of swelling and the time worth of cash in detailing the recharging strategy. The reason for this investigation is to decide an ideal requesting strategy for limiting the normal complete important stock expense. Mathematical model was introduced to exhibit the created model and to represent the system. Affectability investigation of the ideal arrangement as for different boundaries of the framework was done. The result shows that the impact of swelling and time worth of cash on present worth of all out cost is more critical. The buying cost, request boundaries and net rebate rate have greatest impact on the all out cost in certain sense while the impact of weakening on the absolute expense isn't critical.

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