IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Case Study - Management of Dushta Vrana with Magsulf Dressing and Jalouka Avacharan

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Dr. Kalpana Rohtela , Dr. Umesh Vaidya


Dushta Vrana is explained by Acharya Sushrut in Sushrut Samhita Sutra Sthan where he explains in detail about the features of Dushta Vrana , its treatment, what are the do’s and don’t while treating the Dushta vrana, what we need to eat and what we don’t need to eat. Dushta vrana patients are frequently seen now a days, may be due to weak immunity, dosha dushti due to irregular habits of their lifestyle.

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