IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Awareness And Satisfaction Of College Students Towards Online Learning

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Jumri Riba, Dr. Muttu Vemula


There are always pros and cons for anything. Likewise, for some people the technology can be a blessing and for others it can be a disadvantage. However, it is an undeniable fact that the technology has helped to minimize the manual workloads. People are going for more smart work rather than hard work. In the field of education, technology has brought tremendous shift from traditional way of teaching to ICT based teaching. The question is how far the students are willing to change with the change in teaching approaches. And online learning is one of the contemporary approaches in teaching. Thus, the present study is focusing on the awareness and satisfaction of college students on online learning. The study area has been selected under North east India. The online questionnaire was prepared by the researchers and was distributed among the college students. The data collected anonymously from 1st March to 30thApril 2023. The researchers could only receive 100 samples from the college students. The present paper attempted to study the awareness of students towards online learning and to study the student’s satisfaction towards online learning instructors, Course & Content, technology, learning environment. The study reveals that 43% of college students were satisfied with their online learning instructors, while 47% expressed satisfaction with their online courses and content. Additionally, 48.4% of students reported satisfaction with the learning technology utilized, and 27.8% were content with the learning environment. However, it is important to note that 27.7% of students expressed dissatisfaction with statements such as "Students are more active in online learning" and "Online classes are more interactive than face-to-face learning." They also found the starting time of online classes less convenient compared to face-to-face classes.

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