IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Automated Drug Discovery and Design Using Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacy

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Jaswinder Singh, Dhruv Kumar, Ashwani Sethi


Medication Discovery and Design Automation It is a novel idea to transform the conventional drug development method by utilizing artificial intelligence in pharmacy. In this study, we examine how artificial intelligence (AI) and pharmacy are combining, examining the ways in which AI technologies are changing the field of pharmaceutical research and development. We go over the basic ideas of artificial intelligence (AI), its numerous uses in drug discovery, and the possible advantages it could have for the pharmaceutical sector. We demonstrate how artificial intelligence (AI) may shorten the time it takes to identify new drugs, improve lead compound screening, and improve drug property prediction modelling by thoroughly examining the body of current research and case studies. We also look at the benefits and difficulties that come with integrating AI in pharmacy, including the ethical and legal ramifications. All things considered, this work offers insightful information about the revolutionary potential of AI-driven methods for automating drug discovery and design procedures, hence opening the door for more effective and efficient pharmacological interventions.

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