IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of Health Problems among Brick Kiln Factory Workers in a District of Uttar Pradesh -A Cross Sectional Study

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Ms. Swati Sharma1, Dr. Ruchi Juyal2*, Dr. Sudeep Bhattacharya3, Dr. Deep Shikha4


Introduction: The brick industry is considered as an informal industry and is highly demanding. However, the brick kiln workers are not only exposed to the heavy pollutants, but also to the unaccustomed postures for long hours along with exposure to immense heat (800-11000 C), thus becoming prone to development of multiple health disorders. Aims and Objectives: This study identify the health problems experienced by the workers and correlate it with their working profile. Methodology: The present study included a sample size of minimum 90 study subjects. The study was conducted in natural settings (Brick Kiln Factory) of the study participants. Questionnaire was used to collect data samples. All the variables were described as mean ± standard deviation and all the categorical variables conferred in terms of frequencies and proportions and analysed using SPSS software.

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