IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of Chartered Accountant's Professional Practices and Ethical Systems: Lecture Review

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Sanjay Kumar Biyani


A professional accountant is a member of the accounting team with experience working for both private and public organisations. A professional accountant's code of ethics includes adhering to a few fundamental principles of the company's accounting system. Long-term social service by a professional accountant is made possible by the ethics of the accounting system. Integrity, objectivity, achieving professional competency, and professional behaviour are some of the key principles of accounting ethics that a professional accountant should be aware of. In the course of doing his job, whether in the business world or in the public eye, a professional accountant frequently runs across different hazards. The performance and activities of the Auditors were examined in terms of ethics. They will adhere to ethical standards before acting in any way during the audit mission. Ethics is applied to personal ethical standards in various business situations, and the auditor can only gain the trust of those who use financial statements services provided, including audit services, by the commitment of its members to high levels of performance. Can this be supported by our research and evaluation of the professional standards adhered to by chartered accountants members and the ethical behaviour of professionals? Professional benefit from this behaviour in society and the profession as a whole constantly needs to build and preserve its reputation among other professions

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