IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Artificial Intelligence-Powered State-of-the-Art Visual Effects for Computer Vision in Animated Films

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V. Siva Krishna Reddy1,, Priyanka Ankireddy2,*, Dr.V. Lokeswara Reddy2


new generation of AI-based media has emerged as a result of the introduction of AI-based technology into the film and television industries, which has had a significant impact on TV show programming and production. Artificial intelligence (AI) driven solutions are becoming more accessible, enhancing the production quality of movies and television programs. However, in recent years, the animation business has been expanding rapidly, and more and more animated features are being produced every year. It is becoming more difficult for users to find their preferred animated films amid the mountain of data associated with such films. With this context in mind, this essay will examine the use of AI and ML for groundbreaking visual effects in the animation film industry. Using computer vision and machine learning technology as a foundation, this essay proposes key concepts to support the inventive creation of cinema visual effects at the strategic level. This essay uses the informatization, intelligent development, and upgrading of the film business as a springboard to explore new methods and paradigms for creating VFX for moving images. The new visual effects of the popular Hollywood animation "Coco" are analyzed in this article by means of convolutional neural algorithms. The results of the study show that the accuracy of the test set barely changed after the parameters of the model were determined, remaining stable at around 59%; this is of critical importance for enhancing the audiovisual quality and creative standards of film works and fostering the industry's long-term, sustainable growth.

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