IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr.R.RAMAN,K.Priya,Dr.P.RENGARAJAN,Dr.S.Jaya Bharathi,Dr.Anu K M,Dr. Deepak Janardhan Gadeka


Because human labor is essential from the cultivation of raw materials to the final packing of finished products, the food processing and handling industry is the largest employer globally and in the manufacturing sector as a whole. Human intervention has led to the collapse of global food systems. poor demand-supply forecasting, leading to food insecurity. Industrial automation on a large scale is the only solution for the food industry's problems. A.I., M.L., and DL are the pillars upon which automation rests (various machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques). With an AI-based system in place, food production and distribution are simplified and improved. In this piece, we'll investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) is being utilized to displace human labor in the food business in order to cut costs, increase production, and minimize waste. AI and data science working together might boost productivity in the food service business, which includes restaurants, cafes, online meal delivery chains, hotels, and more. Using a more open and transparent supply chain management system, which can be enabled by AI, food packaging may be vastly improved, leading to an increase in the food's shelf life, an improvement in its safety, and the creation of new menu alternatives.

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