IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

ARNI: Newer Strategy in Chronic Heart Failure with Reduced Heart Function: A Review

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Dr Shaktibala Dutta, MD, Dr Aashna Treohan


Heart failure has emerged as a global pandemin in recent times with at least 26 plus million people affected globally with an ever-increasing prevalnace worldwide. Traditionally, “beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARB’s and aldosterone antagonists” have improved both morbidity and mortality, in heart failures with reduced EF, but the high morbidity and mortatlity and socio-economic burden remains a global public health issue. The FDA in 2015 July, approved a new class of drug: Valsartan/Sacubitril (earlier also known as LCZ696) combination of “ARB(VALSARTAN) and Neprilysin Inhibitor (SACUBITRIL) in a 1:1 ratio in a SODIUM SUPRAMOLECULAR COMPLEX”, to reduce both morbidity and mortality in Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. The combination acts by targeting two major patho physiological mechanisms of heart failure. “The first being the activation of the ReninAngiotensin-Aldosterone system and second decreasing the sensitivity to natriuretic peptides. A major clinical trial- The Prospective comparison of ARNI with ACEi to Determine Impact on Global Mortality and morbidity in Heart Failure (PARADIGM-HF) trial, resulted in reducing significant mortality and hospitalization for HF with Valsartan/Sacubitril combination with additional benefits of lowering blood pressure as well compared to enalapril in patients with reduced EF, and elevated circulating levels of N-terminal Pro BNP or BNP”. Many ongoing trials are also asserting the role of the Valsartan/Sacubitril combination in HF with preserved EF and hypertension. In this review we study the machanism of action of valsartan/sacubitril combination, its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and safety and efficacy in treatment of both hypertension and heart failure.

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