IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Applications of Polymer Gears in Different Industrial Applications over Metallic Gears

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Arun Gupta


Gears, which are utilized in the majority of machines in the industry, are the most prevalent and crucial components of machine and process transferring systems. Metal gear makes loud sounds, high frictions, and wear in performance, and the gears are more expensive to address these concerns, thus they are currently replaced with polymer gears or plastic gears. Because of its many qualities such as cheap cost, self-lubrication, and wear and tear resistance, with large production, composite polymer gearing has a broad technology sector. The study is based on the configurations of polymer and non-polymer gears, such as metallic gears with loading as well as the velocity of an engine in the testing equipment. The testing results in an analysis of several elements of all the tested gears such as their characteristics, efficiency, and performance, resulting in the conclusion that cast iron gears will soon be replaced with polymer gears due to their qualities and workability with electric or home machines.

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