IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Applications of Agro-Industrial Waste

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Dr Meenakshi Sharma ,Dr. Dipali Gupta


In the present script of the fast developing world, the wastes are adding day by day in large volume which explosively impacts the health of ecosystems and eventually the mortal community. Thus, every agro-industrial sectors have pressing demand toward the safe application of agro-materials through recycling of wastes. Agro-industry among them releases a lot of waste accessories to be employed in numerous of the fields similar as energy product, composting, and also cloth assiduity. In recent times, energy consumption and profitable pressure on diligence need sustainability in the application of coffers and to get optimum yield. Agro-Industrial wastes can be a good option to meet the demands of the present generation without compromising the to meet the demands of unborn generations, so there’s a enceinte need for further attention into the depth of agro-industrial waste application and recovering methodologies. The present research focuses the several most abundant agro industrial waste accoutrement and their diversified recyclable operations.

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