IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Applications and Security of Satellite based IoT Network

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Ms. Shilpi Singhal


Internet of Things (IoT) connects objects or things from any where at any time. IoT therefore requires efficient communication networks to enable connectivity among the devices. Satellite technology is being recognized as one of the feasible solutions to connect the IoT devices scattered over the globe. Integration of IoT with satellite communication can be helpful in creating a global network by inter connecting a number of devices. Satellite based IoT is beneficial for the IoT users residing in the remote locations. The satellite based IoT networks are prone to security attacks. To develop trust among the users for IoT and increase its usage, protection from these security attacks should be apriority for the organizations using satellites for the IoT applications. Machine Learning and Block chain have been considered to be some of the solutions for the security concerns of IoT. These techniques can be used for the satellite based IoT and therefore been discussed in this chapter.

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