IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Antecedents of Software Quality Assurance Framework: An Exploratory Study

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Dr. Debashree Souvik Jana


The world is transforming very fast digitally today. Every IT solutions and service providers want to keep a pace with the increasing demands of right first time and early launch to the market. The market being fluid poses the challenge of changing business requirements and yet expect the IT project teams to deliver in elevation, the quality product or service. Assurance of product and service quality has become focal point of every IT project managers and the project teams. Today, the verification, validation and testing is not confined only to the software solution being developed, but it has been adopted even from the requirement refinements and formalisation. A framework covering various factors to enable quality assurance aspects is hypothesised to bring benefits in terms of fail fast, savings and test effectiveness.

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