IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Animated Self-Learning Material and Student Performance on Exams: A Study

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Dr. B. Senthil Kumar, Dr. A. Jayanthiladevi


The study's goal is to examine the links between two variables, such as test performance and 3D animated YouTube video learning material. Undergraduate students from private colleges were chosen as main sources to better understand the correlation between the two variables. The use of educationally linked YouTube animated video learning resources in two separate practical topics, namely 3D modelling and 3D texturing, was connected with two semester marks of animation undergraduate students. To prevent biased information and biased findings, a simple random selection procedure was adopted. There was a total of fifty samples selected from the universe. It was chosen from among three hundreds of samples. The learners were chosen based on their previous semester grades in order to create commonality among them. The information was taken from medium-level students, i.e., those who scored 50 to 60. The simple percentage analysis was used find the relationship of the two components. To test the association, two semester grades were associated, and the difference was determined by comparing the results. The study's findings revealed that there was a favourable association between the two variables. Students who used self-learning YouTube videos to study animation practical courses fared well in their respective semesters' practical exams.

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