IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Sarika Chandran, Dr. S Rema Devi


The enduring impact of the Ramayana on the Indian psyche is immeasurable, leaving an indelible mark with its timeless allure. Despite its ancient roots, the epic remains a dynamic force in the lives of the Indian people, seamlessly woven into the very fabric of their existence. The narrative of the Ramayana has captivated both erudite intellectuals and humble villagers, nurturing a shared cultural heritage of valorous traditions and ethical living. Even today, numerous Indians hold the tales of their ancient epics in high esteem. Symbolizing the essence of Indian ethos, the Ramayana is intricately linked to the nation's social history. This tradition has not only endured but thrived, offering a reservoir of profound insights capable of elevating ordinary lives to realms of enlightenment and righteous living. The epic presents an optimistic panorama of Indian life, resisting the erosive effects of time while continually influencing and enriching India's literary tradition. Writers throughout the centuries have articulated their unique perspectives on the narrative, shaped by contemporary circumstances, societal roles, intellectual inclinations, religious beliefs, and socio-political outlooks. The diverse interpretations, adaptations, and versions of the Ramayana mirror the evolving perspectives of their respective eras. This study aims to elucidate the varied impressions of the Ramayana in Indian English literature, examining how its themes and characters are reimagined, interpreted, and transposed in diverse human contexts. The research seeks to unveil the psycho-social reflections inherent in these adaptations, exploring how poets have employed the epic's archetypes and myths as symbolic representations of various facets of life and human nature in a contemporary setting. In doing so, the study endeavors to render the age-old theme of the ancient epic relevant to the intricacies of contemporary human existence.

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