IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ancient Vedic Philosophy: A Key to Manage Heterogeneous Teams of Indian Employees

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Dr. Priyanka Kulkarni


Indian Society showcases different cultures. Multiculturalism has been the most significant factor in inhibiting FDI as compared to other developing countries.The main reason for this, according to experts is that the expatriate managers face difficulties in adapting to different cultures and do business. But the very fact is, though superficially many cultures are found across the length and breadth of this country; core cultural values based on ancient Vedic Philosophy remain same throughout. This paper tries to extract Human Resource Development Practices from Ancient Vedic Philosophy and following literature which can help expatriate managers in dealing with Indian employees and ultimately help India in increasing FDI.

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