IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analyzing Crop Diversification Trends in Haryana: A Spatial and Temporal Perspective (2019-2023)

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The situation of agricultural crop diversification in Haryana is analysed in this research paper using data from the years 2019-2020 to 2022-2023. The time period covered by this study is from 2019-2020 to 2022-2023. A sustainable agricultural system must prioritise crop variety above crop specialisation in order to be successful. We construct the index of agricultural diversification for Haryana's districts by using a modified version of the Bhatia technique, and we classify the results as having either a high, a medium, or a low degree of diversity. The results show changes in cropping patterns that occurred in the state throughout this time period and illustrate geographical patterns of crop diversification.

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