IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analyze the Extent to Which Technology is Integrated into the Curriculum and its Impact on Student Learning Outcomes

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Vinita Parashar


The incorporation of technology into the curriculum has the potential to greatly improve student learning outcomes, especially when utilized to engage students, personalize learning, and promote collaboration. However, the efficiency of technology integration is dependent on a number of factors, including resource availability, technology quality, teacher training, and bridging the digital divide. Continuous research and investment in professional development are required to its greatest potential in education. The educational curriculum due to technology integration has been a game changer in modern education, aimed at increasing student engagement, personalization of learning, and overall academic success. This study investigates technology integration aspects into curricula and how it affects student learning results. A complete investigation was undertaken with 88 respondents, including both pupils and teachers from various demographic backgrounds. The study found a somewhat positive association (r = 0.427) between technology integration and student learning outcomes, with statistical significance (p < 0.01). This shows that increased usage of technology in school correlates with higher academic performance.

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