IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analyze the effect of selected Ayurvedic-Herbal medicines on Cardio- respiratory Endurance performance of athletes using Physiological variables

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Toijam Brojendro Meitei, M. Apabi Singh


To analyze the effect of selected Ayurvedic-Herbal medicines on Cardio- respiratory Endurance performance of athletes using Physiological variables. Material and Methods: The data from all three groups was statistically assessed to see if there were any significant differences using the analysis of co-variance. After pre-test means were eliminated, the adjusted post-test means of the three groups were checked for significance, and if there was a significant difference, the Scheffe's Post-hoc test was used to determine the significant difference between paired means. Results: The result on Cardio-Respiratory Endurance do indicates that, no significant differences existed among three groups. It means that Lassifer Lacca and Mymosa Pudicca may not have any influence on the Cardio Respiratory- Endurance of the subjects thereby accepting the hypothesis thus formulated. Conclusion: The physiological factors Resting Pulse Rate, Breath Holding Time, Blood Pressure, and Vital Capacity, all of which have a direct association with Cardio-Respiratory Endurance performance, have not changed much. Breathe Holding Time and Respiratory Rate, on the other hand, showed substantial modifications following supplementation. Even while several physiological characteristics changed significantly after supplementation, it may not be enough to cause significant changes in the individuals' Cardio-Respiratory Endurance after supplementation with the Ayurvedic-herbal drug Lakshadi Choornam.

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