IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Update on Emergency Contraceptives

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Ajit Pal Singh , Rahul Saxena , Suyash Saxena , Jyoti Batra


Even though the use of contraception has been steadily increasing, illegal abortions are nevertheless frequently carried out all over the world. Abortion produces 60percent of unintended pregnancies, or about 50% of all pregnancies. Unsafe abortion is a serious issue for public health in poor and middle-income countries.Teenage, unmarried women are far more likely to have illegal abortions. Emergency contraception may considerably reduce the rates of morbidity and mortality related to abortion, according to conducted research. A technique known as emergency contraception (EC) is used to prevent unwanted pregnancies after unprotected sexual intercourse. When emergency contraception is used within 72 hours following sexual activity, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy can be reduced by up to 95%. Women who have experienced method failure, inadequate usage of contraceptives, been sexually abused, or who have agreed to unplanned and unprotected sexual activity can benefit from emergency contraception. To help prevent unwanted births, emergency contraception should be used with the proper understanding and attitude

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