IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Overview on the Contents of the Internet

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Mohan Vishal Gupta


This research looks at the impact of the web on students' academic achievement in postsecondary institutions in Zambia's Niger state. The research was guided by five survey questions. The survey technique was used to gather data, and questions were used as the instrument of data collection. Three institutions were chosen at random, and a sample of 300 pupils was drawn from each. For data collection, a questionnaire was issued. The information gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings show that in current age of Information and Communication Technology. The internet is one of the most useful tools for academic purposes. The research also highlighted some of the issues that people face while using the internet, such as slow internet speeds and a lack of consistent power supply. It was recommended, among other things, that the school admin implement awareness programs to encourage students to take advantage of the benefits of using the web for educational purposes.

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