IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Overview of Medical Electronics

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Prashant Kumar


In today's scenario, technology is improving and enhancing important features in order to meet the needs of commercial and industrial applications. Quantum electronics is also a component of the technology used to develop and create medical devices. Electronic engineering is offering different methods to alter medical care in the age of engineering. Sensors are often employed in the area of medical application to detect and analyse human body illness, and these medical application sensors are developed utilizing electronics engineering. Using medical electronics, surgeons can provide more effective medical therapy and illness assessment. As the population ages, the need for high-quality, low-cost healthcare and medical diagnoses/treatment has risen significantly. Intelligent instrument/clinical devices that cure intractable neurological illnesses or chronic diseases, sophisticated biomimetic devices/systems, artificial organs, and other medical electronics are being created with heterogeneous integration of technology. Medical electronics is a field that straddles engineering, biology, and medicine, and it offers tremendous possibilities for business and new scientific discoveries. There will be two implanted medical electronic systems on display. The sub-retinal implantation system for visual prosthesis and the close-loop deep brain stimulation (DBS) system for epilepsy are two of the options which have been discussed here.

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