IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analytical Study of the Pratyahara Concept in the Yoga Upanishads

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Ashok S, Chollangi Sri Sai Ratna, Venkata Gangadhar K


One of the most important of the eight limbs of yoga is pati, or the withdrawal of the senses from outside stimuli. It connects the mental and physical dimensions of yoga practice. An outline of an analytical study of the profound idea of Pratyahara as explained in the Yoga Upanishads is given in this abstract. This study investigates the historical and philosophical foundations of Pratyahara, reveals its methods, and considers its significance in the modern era, all while drawing on a variety of ancient sources. This research provides a thorough knowledge of Pratyahara's history and relevance within the yogic tradition by utilizing a holistic approach that includes textual analysis, historical context, and practical application. Consequently, this study advances our understanding and assimilation of awareness and consciousness.

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