IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis Regarding the Benefits of Healthy Diet

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Dr Sanjeev Kumar Jain


Everyone want to be healthy, happy, successful, and live a long life. Proper nutrition is one of the fundamental requirements that must be fulfilled in order to have these: food that is composed of nutrients and non-nutrients that affect the quality of food. As a result, food must fulfil four criteria in order to be considered healthy. It must be sufficient, balanced in terms of nutritional content, calorie-controlled, and devoid of or at least within the acceptable level of health danger components. However, food does not have a direct impact on one's health; rather, one's diet does, albeit it takes time for a bad habit to lead to illness or vice versa. Because food serves so many purposes in human existence, moderation and diversity are essential components of a balanced diet. If these six principles are followed, then fitness and well-being may be guaranteed up to a point, unless additional risk factors are present. Water is essential for bodily function, and humans cannot live without it in their everyday lives. Even yet, drinking beverages may readily be snuck into the toxic substrate, posing a health risk. Nutrigenomic knowledge should be put to use in order to get a better understanding of how food and nutrition influence health on a personal level.

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