IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis on Network Security in the Cryptographic System

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Rohit Singh


The advent of the Web - based World and the expansion of social networks and e-commerce applications have led to massive daily data production by organisations all over the world. When it comes to ensuring the safe movement of information over the internet, data security is the most crucial factor to take into account. Risks to network security are also starting to worry people. It is increasingly important as society advances into the digital internet age. Cybercriminals are attracted to the internet in big numbers as more people are connecting to it. It covers both the permission of information availability in a network and access to intelligence in that network. Computer networking is responsible for ensuring the security of the network as a whole as well as the end users' security. This essay makes an attempt to analyse the many network security concerns. The condition of the profession for a broad range of cryptographic techniques is explored in this book together with cryptographic concepts. The programme has made advantage of it. The goal of this research is to improve the system's network security and cryptography.

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