IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of Vermicomposting

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Arvind Pratap Singh


Generation of the enormous quantity of solid waste across the world is a significant ecological and technological issue. Vermicomposting may be the feasible alternative to manage solid waste in an ecologically acceptable manner. This study offers a broad overview of feasibility of vermicomposting processes as an eco-friendly method. The combined strategy of composting and vermicomposting processes offers superior outcomes. Further, to improve the process of vermicomposting, codigestion of organic wastes offers greater chance for both microbes and earthworms to transform the organic portion of solid waste under regulated environmental circumstances. Feeding, stocking density, pH, C/N ratio, temperature, and moisture, by inference, appear to be the key variables that affect the vermicomposting process. Furthermore, the final result of vermicomposting, the nutrient-rich compost, may be utilized for biogas generation. Hence, the management of solid waste and energy generation may be accomplished at the same time with no additional expenditures.

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