IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of Theory and Study of Micro Machining

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Uspendra Kumar


One of the major trends in technology development is the shrinking of items and the procedures used to make them. In addition to being more durable, responsive, power-efficient, tiny in size, and frequently considerably less expensive than typical macro components, micromechanical parts also frequently feature excellent levels of temperature, chemical, and mechanical stability. Devices with a size between a dozen millimetres and a dozen microns are produced using micromachining techniques. These methods, along with wafer bonding and boron diffusion, enable the fabrication of sophisticated mechanical devices. The atomic-scale manipulation of bulk materials is thought to fall under the purview of physics, chemistry, and nanotechnology. However, in an environment where time mechanics is abandoned and therefore the quantum nature of matter is live, exactness engineering, notably micro-machining, has emerged as a potent tool for dominant the surface properties and sub-surface integrity of the optical, electronic, and mechanical practical elements. The wonderful exactness of tools, machines, and controls—one hundred times a lot of precise than the wavelength of light—expanding into the micromillimeter vary is that the explanation for the surprising complexness of micro-machining. during this Topic, we'll examine the necessity for a a lot of in-depth physical understanding of micro-machining also because the history of micro-machining

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