IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of Side effects of Junk food on Humans Health

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Mayur Porwal


Junk meals are high in calories, sodium, and saturated fats. Excessive intake of junk foods contributes to a broad range of health problems. School canteens provide high-fat, high-sugar meals, which contribute to adolescent weight gain as well as other health issues such as infections, food poisoning, and dental disease. Consumption of junk foods may discourage youngsters from eating nutritious meals at school or at home. High consumption of junk foods such as Maggi noodles, burgers, pao-bhaji, sandwiches, hot dogs, patties, pastries, pop-corn, potato chips, carbonated drinks, biscuits, muffins, toast, kulcha-channa, samosa, chocolates, and other similar foods has become a common feature of adolescent diets around the world. They often eat too many fast meals while consuming insufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. It's one of the most efficient ways to change people's eating habits without hurting their feelings. Nutrition counselling on the significance of a balanced diet and the negative effects of junk foods will aid in the reduction of junk food addiction and the improvement of nutritional status.

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