IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of Security for Cloud Computing

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Rupal Gupta


A rapidly evolving technology, cloud computing enables greater usage of IT services, infrastructure, and applications. It is an architecture for providing computer services as needed to a collection of shared resources, including networks, storage, services, and applications a website. These clouds maximise the capacities of businesses, government agencies, and other organisations without any additional setup, staffing, or licencing fees. Due to the effectiveness that this approach offers, is powered by a pay-per-use approach, and a variety of sectors including finance, healthcare, and geosciences the direction of and education is toward this technology. This essay provides a summary of cloud computing. And also draws attention to the cloud computing's features, services, and deployment approach. This essay discusses the challenges of cloud computing alongside its benefits. The modern endeavour to transfer computational assets as a carrier is called cloud computing. It signifies a departure from computing as a service provided to clients via the internet by massive data centres, or "clouds," as opposed to computing as a product that is purchased. While the IT sector is beginning to take notice of cloud computing, academic research in this area seems to be trailing behind. This report aims to provide an overview of the unexpectedly expanding advancements with inside the technical underpinnings of cloud computing and their research efforts.

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