IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Taduri Lakshmi Narayana,Appidi Sathish Reddy,Ch Archana Archanal,Shaik Gousia Begum


Irrigation system in India has given a highest priority in economic development. Many new concepts are being developed to allow agricultural automation to increase and deliver its full potential. To take full advantage of these technologies, we should not just consider the implimentation of developing a new single technology but should look at the vast issues for complete development of a system. Usage of Hi-tech Agricultural Solar Fence Security with soil Humidity Based Automatic water system and voice alert on PIR live Human Detection is been actualized in this undertaking for protected and secure agriculture water system. Additionally it diminishes human endeavors. Electric wall can be utilized to ensure farmhouses, farmlands, woodland, bungalows, and so on… from animals. In this way, these simulate the job of forest guard. Already popular in many countries where manpower is expensive, electric fences are slowly getting popular in India as well. This control an animal by giving them a minor, sharp and safe shock that teaches them to stay away from the fence as well as crops. Hence Electric fences are economical and practical solutions to maximize the field production through controlled grazing. Electric fencing is safe as its output is not continouse. There is a certain time duration between two pulses which prevents prolonged shocking to animals or people as well.

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