IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Adaptability of Modern Learning – Effects and Improvements

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K.Selva Elakiya ,Dr. Rathina Prabhu A


Constant changes occur in the Education system and that has been admittedly satisfactory and astonishing. Opportunities abound, and versatile tools will undoubtedly be essential to education. Modern education's adaptability is crucial for developing and innovating the teaching and learning process in the digital age. In this research, learning style and the few new methods that exist are highlighted. Modern teaching and learning methods that are differ from one another are discussed. This paper gives an overview of learning methods and the classrooms teaching style and challenges that must be overcome in order to accept it. It concludes with the suggestion to improve the quality of our Educational system.

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